Join the Martinez ARDPIE Task Force
Jan 08, 2021 12:00AM ● By Eric Figueroa, City Manager, City of Martinez
City of Martinez, Photo courtesy of The City of Martinez
The City is seeking interest forms from as many residents as possible
MARTINEZ, CA (MPG) - As we begin 2021, I am inspired to continue the important work started by the City Council last year. One of the major initiatives remaining is to complete the formation of the community task force to address the potential for implicit bias and systemic racism within City programs, policies, and procedures. The Anti-Racism & Discrimination and Pro-Inclusion & Equity (ARDPIE) Task Force, will be formed with a group of community members who will be asked to make recommendations to the City Council on how to make Martinez a more inclusive and welcoming place.
In order for the Task Force to succeed, the City is seeking interest forms from as many residents as possible in order to establish an effective group that can speak for the residents of Martinez. That’s where you come in — we are asking for your help in finding applicants who are open to joining this Task Force, are residents of Martinez, and would effectively serve our City. If any of the following statements apply to you or someone you know, we would love to have you fill out an interest form:
- You have ideas on how to make the City of Martinez more equitable and inclusive.
- You are interested in serving your community.
- You are active and well-connected with different groups within the City.
- You are particularly attuned to the needs of a minority community within Martinez and could speak to those needs.
If any of these statements describe you or another member of the community you know, please visit our website to learn more about the task force and submit an interest form to receive an application by Wednesday, January 13, 2021.
In addition, we are seeking input on questions we should ask applicants for the ARDPIE task force and recommendations for group facilitators. If you have anything to share, please fill out our form here.